How It Works

how it works

Our process makes ordering a background check the easiest part of hiring.

how it works

Our process makes ordering a background check the easiest part of hiring.

how it works

Hire safely & smoothly,
in three easy steps.

step one

Fill out our
order form

Fill out our simple intake form to get started ordering a background check.

step two

Order placed
in five minutes

From starting your form to checking out, placing your order only takes about five minutes.

step three

Get your report
in 48 hours

You get your complete and accurate background check report within 48 hours of placing your order.

your go-to background check service

Everything you need to hire safely.

Try it for yourself, and you’ll see why Bchex is the go-to background check service for small businesses and organizations. We just need an email address to get started—our system will do the rest.

Select add-ons

We offer multiple background checks and packages for different industries and needs.

Order in five minutes

The entire process of ordering a background check can be completed in five minutes.

View your dashboard

We offer multiple background checks and packages for different industries and needs.

Ready in 48 hours

We offer multiple background checks and packages for different industries and needs.

Partner with a company that’s just as passionate about your mission as you are.

Order your first background check with us in under five minutes, or get on our email list so we’re always top of mind when you’re hiring.